Sunday, March 3, 2013

A car full of lies!

Surprise surprise today!

As I wait in the parking lot of our visitation spot, lo and behold comes Dr. Deadbeat in a new car. As he makes his token support payments and makes his excuses to Child Support Enforcement as to why he can't pay more, I get to see this. So tragic to hold my tongue for 15 years as my daughters dote over him. Little do they know or comprehend how their father doesn't care enough to support their dreams of dance lessons and gymnastics. Just breaks my heart! 
It's infuriating that people help him hide though. A certain small time dealer covering up the sale for him by "loaning" it to him (still has dealer plates)! He knows that if it goes into his name, I can attach a lein on it for the $10k he owes me.
Shame on them!

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